It has turned into this greed fest. It is all about gimme gimme gimme....mine mine shop shop.....stress stress cards maxed....i have to buy for this person, that person...go go go until you are ready to pull your hair screaming with every commercial "Mommy I want that" or "Daddy I have got to have that"....more stress stress stress....the day comes and the kids wake up at the ungodly hour of dawn....becoming bratty because they can't open their presents until mom and dad get up...make the coffee (while ready to add the Bailey's to it at 6:00 in the morning to take the edge off the stress of the rest of the day)....have the kids set the Guinness book of world records in how fast they can open all their presents without even paying attention to what they got....being grateful for some....scowling at the ones they did not get......make dinner.....I now understand why eggnog has alcohol in it.
What happened to the one person this season is about? No, it is not Santa Claus...It is Jesus. Christmas used to be my favorite time of year. It was always tradition to set up the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. anticipating the radio station to start playing the 24 hour Christmas songs, making cookies and fudge for everybody, watch all the Christmas classics, lots of eggnog and hot cocoa, not caring about what I eat for the next month because it is the time of year of all my favorite foods, hoping that one day in this state of Florida there would be snow on Christmas day (hey when you dream, dream big) Taking my kids to the mall to sit on Santa's lap and ride the train, and drive around and look at Christmas lights, and most importantly instilling in my children why we celebrate CHRISTmas. We have a birthday cake for Jesus and sing happy birthday. I will still do all these things but the decorating will not be as much. It is more for my kids then me. We will decorate inside only nothing outside (this is more because we will be moving January....another blog on that to follow) I am not a complete cynic just tired of what it has turned into.
It seems to me it gets worse and worse every year. The Christmas music started playing in the stores Nov 1st... A certain radio station started playing it two weeks before Thanksgiving and what really set me off was when my sister told me that kids can register, yes register for everything they want at Toys R Us. I think my exact words were "SHUT UP" and "you have got to be kidding?" People also started decorating earlier...before Thanksgiving.
SO that is why I am grinchy. I also want to say that without Thanksgiving..there would not be all the Christmas traditions we have here in this wonderful country. The pilgrims thanked GOD that they were provided for during the cold hard months and had a harvest to celebrate it. SO to prevent me from being completely cynical..I will be reading happy holiday fun reads all this month. Anything from the classics to brand new stories. Your suggestions are appreciated in my comment box. I feel much better now....I think I will go read and decorate tomorrow.