1984 synopsis I love this book. I read it high school, but apparently I don't remember all the details. Then again, I was a teenager and did not really care about important things like government control. It is very thought provoking and actually could happen. Heck, we already have the newspapers and news stations give their view on it and not the 100% truth. You have to actually research every story you hear to know what the whole truth is. There are even countries that tell their people they are winning wars, when that simply is not true. We need not be naive and realize that things are going to go only get worse with "Big Brother" unless we all stand up and use our right to vote to get these people that are for big government , out. I am not happy about these bailouts that have happened. I am not happy that I have to have a social security # to be able to work and have insurance, I do not like laws that are made just to give another excuse for the government to have their hands and be in control of something else. The latest thing is wanting a ban on cell phones while driving. Not just a law, but actually making it impossible to be able to talk while driving. Do I think that I should be talking on the phone while driving, no. However, I don't want the government telling me when and where I can talk on the phone. There are already laws that are in place if I cause an accident due to my stupidity of not paying attention while driving. We have too many laws as it is, we do not need more. I even think of laws when it comes to hate crimes. We do not need laws on hate crimes. We already have laws that make it illegal to kill somebody or assaulting a person, we don't need to add to it. And don't get me started on the tax laws...Even the people that made those laws don't understand them all. Heck there is probably a law that says it is illegal to blog on a Thursday afternoon at 3:45 while wearing a blue t shirt and eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (I am not eating one ,so I think I am OK)I am so thankful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to be able to think for myself, say what I want, be able to open my bible and pray where I want..However, there are becoming more and more restrictions on things. Especially on us as Christians. There are less and less freedoms for us. The 10 commandments are taken out schools and public buildings. Kids are not allowed to pray at graduations. It is ridiculous. All in the name of religious tolerance....Why does religious tolerance apply to everybody but born again Christians. That is a big oxymoron...Everybody must be tolerant of everybody Else's religion...except Christianity. Can somebody please explain how that makes sense?
I will very soon be moving in to my new challenge...but I have a couple reads to read first. They are quick reads so I should get through them by the end of January. YAY Books!!!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1984":
You idiot!! Have you ever thought that the law about drinking and driving (or any of the other laws that exist where you don't want the government telling you what to do) might exist to protect people?? Yes there are laws to punish people who break the law, but if one of your daughters were killed because of somebody driving while talking on the phone, don't you think you would support a law that made that activity illegal? Wake up!!!
aahh...nice. I posted your comment to prove a point. It is because of our constitution that you have the freedom of speech to call me an "idiot" and be entitled to your opinion.... If you had read every line in my blog you would see that I do not think it is o.k. to talk on the phone while driving. There are laws already in place that would punish a person for killing my child while driving distracted. We do not need to add more laws for things that have laws in place. If somebody did kill my daughter while driving by talking on the cell phone, then Iwould expect them to be punished under the current laws we have. I appreciate your comments ...but is the name calling necessary? You can disagree without being nasty.
Yep, you're right about the name calling - sorry. I just get so hyped up about prevention rather than punishment, and also about government. I realise you weren't talking only about mobile phones and i'm glad to read that you obey the law - the only reason i don't talk on my mobile phone while i'm driving is because it's against the law. You mention about a persons own stupidity if they were to cause an accident, but you forget about the sorrow that person would cause if that accident killed a person. I think that people think twice about using their mobile phones in the car only because there is a law against it, and i hope that law contributes to the minimising of suffering. Your comments smack of paranoia, conspiracy theory and hypocrisy - what's so wrong about laws? In Romans, Paul speaks about submission to authorities - specifically that everybody (Christians, those of other faiths and people who don't have a faith) are to be subject to the governing authorities; and he also says that any authority that is in place, is placed there by God. When people rubbish governments, they are undermining God's authority. It just irks me that you speak about being a Christian, and yet, like a lot of Christians you whine about government. It just doesn't make sense. Even the most corrupt government (written in the bible, according to Paul) is placed there by God and people are to submit to it - to me that means if the government wants to be in control of you, or tax you, or protect you or your children, then so be it. The only way to be effective in changing the laws that govern your country is to vote effectively or get yourself into a position where you can legally alter or delete laws. But don't just sit there and complain about the government AND confess that you're a Christian - it's a mixed message.
I don't think specifics in laws are unacceptable. I think that it is more than acceptable to realize that loopholes are found by less than scrupulous people that exploit laws when things are not precisely spelled out. Driving distracted may or may not include using a cell phone, depending on the lawyer that you can get to represent you and what persuasion techniques that they use. The more laws the better...then no one can say that 'they didn't know'.
just to clasrify I agree with everything you have said. I do get out and vote, I do write and call my congressman. I am not one of those that just sits back and complains. I know that all governments and leaders are estbalished by God ultimately and that He is in control. What makes me a chrisitian is the faith I put in Jesus Christ not anything that I can do or have done. I get angry at the things that go against God and his word...even Jesus did. I completely put myself under the authority of the people that govern but only to the point of it not going against God.
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