I have lots to celebrate but will blog on those later. I am celebrating my middle baby's birthday. She turned 7 today. I told her she was staying 6 but apparently she didn't listen and keeps getting bigger. It goes by so fast. Abigail Lee was given her name because of Abigail in the bible and reminds me of the wife I strive to be. Her middle name is after my mother n law's Linda. She was born on her due date 10 days before we moved into our house. I packed up our apartment in between contractions. She came out after 45 minutes of hard labor (about 8 hours of light labor) and gave me no time for an epidural. She came out screaming and did not stop for about 45 minutes. We knew we were in for a ride with her. All babies come out crying but she was irate. She also has those "abby eyes" and those that know her know what I am talking about. She can give you a look that shows exactly what she is thinking. I knew the moment she came out that this one would be a strong willed one. Abby is my spunky one. She always makes me laugh. It is one of her joys to be silly and make her Daddy and I laugh, yet, at the same time does not like any main focus on her. She has a shy side and it takes her a while to warm up. She has one of the most caring hearts of anybody I know. She always wants to make sure that everybody is having a good time wherever she is at. She loves babies and they love her. She has the "mommy hip" down perfectly. She is very sporty and loves lizards and grasshoppers and toads. (We are always having "pets" we have to let go the next day) In spite of this tomboy side, she is also very girlie and loves to wear skirts and lip gloss. She is very determined in what she wants and will do. Don't dare tell her she can't do something because she will prove you wrong. this is my favorite quality about her even though it is frustrating as a parent at times. She loves to do cartwheels and dance. She also loves to sing. She is tough yet sensitive. She is my "abisnail" and I am thankful for everyday I am blessed that God allows me to have her. Happy Birthday Abby!!!
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