Please Click for a synopsis :All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren This book actually turned into something I really enjoyed reading. It was a really slow start for me. I actually had to renew it. This is unusual for me because once I start reading a book, I am usually done with it in about a week. I am not sure why, but it was very hard for me to get into. There were times when the author went off on tangents that had nothing to do with the story line and in my opinion it took awhile to build up to the excitement of what the book is about. I thought while reading it was about politics and the corruption, bribery, selfishness, and cover up that goes along with all of that. It ended up being, in my opinion, about the journey of the main character Jack Burden (who is so aptly named correctly)and his growth as a human being and finding out who he is and what he wants from life. I am so glad I did not give up on this book and was very determined to finish since I said, in my first blog that I would read every book on that list. There were twists that I never saw coming. This was definitely worth reading.
I will be reading something now not even on the list...."The Memory Keeper's Daughter" It was very highly recommended by my friends at WAH (women at home...great board...go check it out) I also have four other books from the list checked out but will keep you in suspense, because I can.
I also am reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to the kids. they are not that thrilled but I know they are listening. they are not thrilled because, it is not a picture book...oh the horror!!! It actually is not that just amuses me. There is some great history in there that I did not realize (well, don't remember anyway) So, they are getting homeschooling lessons at bedtime and don't even realize it...hehehe. We just started it, so I am sure they will get more interested as we go. They are shocked that "back then" they could not just go to the grocery store to buy food. They are learning what life is like out west in the 1800's. The other book I am reading is The Spiderwick Chronicle series to Janessa. We love it!!! We blow through each book in about a week. The books are way better than the movie. The movie was good but you know how it is...they change things with a movie and add stuff or take stuff out. I will have more to come later, as for now..I must go to bed.
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