Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving.

There are a few bloggers doing this as a theme and I have decided to as well.  I am not exactly behind, I just have posted it here.  So here are things that I have been thankful for the past few days

Day 1 Nov 1:  I am thankful that God has blessed me with a new business with doing something I love.  Crocheting.  I am blown away constantly with people messaging me about things they would like me to make.  It has come at a time that we have a need for some extra income.

Day 2:  Nov 2.  I am thankful for meds that I can take while breast feeding, Sudafed has been my friend the past two days

Day 3:  Nov 3rd  I am thankful for colds that end quickly and a husband and children that will let me get the rest I need and help with the baby.  I totally believe getting the rest needed helped to speed up the recovery process.

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