Tuesday, November 15, 2011

day 14 of 30 days

Day 14 was yesterday.  Yesterday, however, I was brain dead.  Doing everything I have been doing and burning the midnight oil and trying to get up at 6:00 came to abrupt halt yesterday.  All day I could not think and was cranky.  At 9:00 I was in bed falling asleep.  Those that know me, know I am up until midnight usually.  It has become too much and will no longer be doing so.  I so badly wanted to blog yesterday  because it was about the one person I share my life with.

So on Day 14 (yesterday) I am thankful for my husband. Yesterday we celebrated 13 years of marriage.  It is a milestone I can assure you being three years ago it was practically over.  (That story is a blog for another time but it truly is an amazing story of what Jesus can do to fix a marriage and two broken people if you let Him.)  We are stronger than we have have ever been and I love him more and more everyday.  It is so different when you get out of that infatuation stage and truly realize what loving a person means.  He puts up with my quirks and sometimes impossible type A standards. He puts up with neurotic behavior.   He deals with me leaving all my kitchen cabinets open and then me yelling at myself for doing it.   He just puts up with me.  The me nobody else really knows.   Yet, he still loves me and tells me everyday.    He works hard and in a job that is not so fun most times so I can stay home with our girls and be a homemaker.  A job I love and would not trade it for any other job in the world no matter how much I would get paid.  He is a wonderful Dad and hope that the girls will find a husband that compares to him.  He shows affection all the time and is all around a good man.  He makes me feel safe.  He is what I am thankful for today.
this is one of my favorite pictures

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