Friday, October 10, 2008

hidden talents

It has been such a long time since I have posted and I have many deep thoughts to post about but that will come later. Ihave not even been reading and that is just sad and shameful. (tsk tsk slap hand) Ivow to start reading again this evening and will post on such later. I found this video off my sis n law -Barb's blog . Abby loves to dance, loves to sing, loves to make people laugh, however, does not want the focus to be on her in a group of people she does not know very well. This makes it very difficult to get her to use the talents that God has blessed her with at church. I am hoping in time that will change, but for now she can perform through this video. By the way, tell her it is a video camera and she is pretty much willing to do whatever. It was just to cute not to post.

Abby dancing

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