Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Night Light

I absolutely love Terri Blackstock!!   She is awesome.  I literally could neglect everything in my life and engross myself in her books.  I have a previous post  from the first book I read in this series.  Night Light is the second book out of four.  I will be buying the other two on Amazon in the next couple weeks.  There is lots of excitement and suspense that I just wanted to keep reading to find out what happens next.  This is what I love about good christian authors.  I don't have to worry about uneccessary bad language or explcit bedroom details.  These are books I can give to my teenager and not even question or second guess if what they are reading is ok.  Now moving on to a big fat book, Vanity fair, to try to finish my challenge.  It is no longer a link that can be connected to, but here is the link to my previous post so you can see the challenge.

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