Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7 of 30 days of Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful that my Medical Terminology class is OVER.  I got an A overall and I now pretty much know what a disease is if somebody says it.  That class was going to be the death of me.  I started during block leave back in July and got off kilter is getting it done in a timely manner that it took forever.  I am also thankful to get an extension on my scholarship for another six months so instead of having to be completely done in February,I have until August.  I won't take that long since I am back to being disciplined and everyday I am doing a lesson.  This school has been wonderful and is perfect for my crazy life.  One class at a time, at my own pace.  Which is good and bad. Good that I don't have the pressure to get things done by a certain.  Bad that I can sit in a class for 5 months.  Now The class I am taking is medical office procedures.  That will take me about two weeks to get through.  easy easy easy.

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